Eat honey for stronger bones Add some 'vitamin bee' to your diet for a skeleton of steel
Eat honey for stronger bones
Add some 'vitamin bee' to your diet for a skeleton of steel
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb,sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.(Prov.16:24)
For a stronger frame, capable of withstanding any challenge you can throw at it, add some honey to your food, say scientists at Purdue University, Indiana. The amino acids found in the sweet nectar help the body to absorb calcium more effectively, optimising your intake of this vital nutrient from your foods and preventing you from developing brittle bones. An easy way to increase your absorption of calcium, is to add a spoonful (or two) of honey to fruit, cereals (with milk) or yoghurts. Try Gale’s Pure Honey, £1.69 at Tesco, and add it to these calcium-rich snacks to really boost your benefits.
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