Garlic is an important medicinal herb that is readily available everywhere, unlike some of the other herbs mentioned on these pages.  It is one of the safest herbs, and as such can be taken often.  It does, however,  have its drawbacks, as we all know.  Bear this in mind when using remedies (especially internal ones), and cut back when family and friends start avoiding you.  
Garlic does indeed have scientifically-proven medicinal properties.  It contains a substance called Allicin, which has anti-bacterial properties that are equivalent to a weak penicillin.  It appears that cooked garlic weakens the anti-bacterial effects considerably, however, so don't count on cooked garlic with meals for much in the way of a curative. 

Numbers 11:5

Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Numbers 11:5.

We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick:

Garlic appears to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.  The list is long when it comes to its uses as a remedy.  This list includes wounds, ulcers, skin infections, flu, athlete's foot, some viruses, strep, worms, respiratory ailments, high blood pressure, blood thinning, cancer of the stomach, colic, colds, kidney problems, bladder problems, and ear aches, to name a few.  It is believed to cure worms in both people and animals - try giving the dog a clove of garlic daily (but he's not gonna like it).
For most internal problems, eating garlic raw is probably the most potent way to take it.  However, due to the obvious lingering odors associated with this, a tincture can be made by soaking 1/4 pound of peeled and separated garlic cloves in 1/2 quart of brandy.  Seal tightly and shake every day.  Strain and bottle after two weeks of this, and take in drops - 25-30 a day, if desired.  
For cough, flu, and respiratory ailments, make a cough syrup out of garlic.  Slice 1 pound of fresh garlic and pour one quart of boiling water over it.  Let sit for 12 hours, then add sugar until you reach the consistency of a syrup.  Add honey for better taste, if desired. 
For sore throat, make a garlic tea by steeping several cloves of garlic in half a cup of water overnight. Hold your nose and drink it.
Externally, garlic is a known anti-bacterial and anti-infection agent.  An interesting use for ear aches is to slice a garlic clove, heat briefly in a small amount of virgin olive oil, and let cool.  Then use a drop of two in the affected ear (strain the mixture beforehand, of course).
Make an Ointment out of garlic (use cloves instead of leaves, stems, or flowers as described in Ointments) for wounds, cuts, athlete's foot, or any other external skin irritation, fungus, or infection.  Also, try a few drops of Oil on a toothache for pain relief. 

Cardiovascular Help

OnionS: contain a number of sulfides similar to those found in garlic which may lower blood lipids and blood pressure. In India, communities that never consumed onions or garlic had blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels substantially higher, and blood clotting times shorter, than the communities that ate liberal amounts of garlic and onions. Onions are a rich source of flavonoids, substances known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease. Onions are also natural anticlotting agents since they possess substances with fibrinolytic activity and can suppress platelet-clumping. The anticlotting effect of onions closely correlates with their sulfur content.

Cucumber has countless health benefits as well as cosmetic properties. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid (when it is not peeled it contains folic acid) and potassium. The skin of the cucumber is rich in fibre that contains variety of minerals such as potassium, magnesium and silica.

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Listed below are some of the effective health benefits of cucumber:
  • Cucumber has cleaning properties that removes accumulated waste and toxins from our body. It may improve arthritis since it eliminates uric acid.
  • Cucumber juice mixed with carrot juice is said to be more beneficial to rheumatic conditions caused by excessive uric acid in the body.
  • It has been found that people with diabetes are benefited from the consumption of cucumber or cucumber juice.
  • Cucumber juice taken daily may help in the improvement of gout and eczema.
  • Cucumber included in diet helps people suffering from chest, lung and stomach problems.
  • The potassium content of cucumber helps in proper regulation of blood pressure and promotes flexibility of muscles.
  • The magnesium content of cucumber helps in smooth blood circulation, relaxes nerves and muscles.
  • The fibre content of cucumber helps in regulating cholesterol levels in the body and contributes to bowel regularity.
  • A cup of fresh cucumber juice reduces heartburn, soothes acid stomach and gastritis.
  • Cucumber helps in preventing splitting of nails of the fingers and toes as it is rich in minerals.
  • Place a slice of cumber on the affected sunburn area. It relaxes and elevates the sunburn’s pain, heat and inflammation.
  • Slices of cucumber placed on the closed eyes reduce swelling and soothe the eyes.
  • Cucumber is a best source of silica- a trace mineral which contributes to the
  • strength of our connective tissue. Connective tissue is a tissue that holds our body together.

Cosmetic Benefits of Cucumber

  • It prevents and treats under eye dark circles when slices of cucumber are kept on the closed eyes regularly before sleep in the night.
  • It improves skin complexion and glow as it is rich in silica.
  • It is used a common component in all the face pack preparations. The cooling, cleansing and diuretic properties of cucumber work as a best natural cosmetic for skin.
  • Cucumber juice is said to promote hair growth especially when it is added to the juice of lettuce, spinach and carrot.

Benefits of Cucumber Mask

There are various benefits of cucumber mask. The nourishing, hydrant and astringent properties of cucumber mask can restore skin’s normal pH balance. It can cleanse, cool, soothe and soften our skin. It can relieve stress and reduce our under-eye dark circles.

Benefits of Eating Cucumber

There are many benefits of eating cucumber. It is suggested that cucumber can treat arthritis, diabetes, eczema, regulate blood pressure, improve blood circulation, etc.

Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia, a climbing vine whose leaves and green fruits, although bitter, has been used to fight cancer, diabetes and many infectious diseases.
t is also a powerful weapon against HIV/AIDS since some reports claim that bitter melon has substance Q. It is one of the most favorite vegetables among the Chinese and the most popular herbal tea as well.

Bitter melon picture
The fruits and leaves of bitter melon are a good source of minerals and vitamins, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin B. However, it is not known how much nutritional contents can actually be absorbed by the body's digestive system of the plant become some of these substances exist in unabsorbable form.

Does Bitter Melon have Medicinal Properties?
Yes. Books and articles about bitter melon states that the extract from the leaves or roots shrinks hemorrhoids.
The juice from the leaves is also good to prevent and lessen cough, for fever and against roundworms. Reportedly, it is also used to treat sterility in women and alleviate liver problems. Likewise, bitter melon has some antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds.

However, none of the medicinal uses of bitter melon has been proven scientifically, although they have not been disproved, either. It's just that it has not been studied enough.

Is it true that bitter melon tea and capsules are effective in lowering blood sugar of diabetics?
There is one case where it is proven that it can lower blood sugar levels from people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes.

Results of these scientific studies that determine the effect of drinking of bitter melon extract on blood sugar level of Type 2 Diabetes have consistently shown that bitter melon lowers blood sugar level. The effect on blood sugar is due to momordicin, a substance that is also responsible for it's bitter taste.
The effect of the bitter melon leaves lowering blood sugar level among diabetics is evident regardless of how it is prepared - boiled then eaten, in the form of tea, capsule or tablet. But diabetics should be cautioned about replacing their proprietary medicines with bitter melon teas, capsules or tablets. So far, studies were done only on a very limited number of human subjects so bitter melon and diabetes cannot be labeled conclusive.

In fact, no large clinical trial has yet been published on the preparation of Momordica charantia (bitter melon). The manufacturers of bitter melon teas, capsules and tablets themselves are not claiming healing benefits for their products. They market them only as supplements.


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